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Offer your significant other a romantic day in Barvikha Hotel & Spa and enjoy some new experience. Relaxing heating and cleaning procedures with sauna whisks for one or two persons are carried out according to unique proprietary methodology and include herbal wraps that are prepared individually for each guest. Depending on the aim (detoxification, relaxation or stress coping), the clients state of health and state of skin we use moistening, relaxing or restorative agents. After heating procedures a bio energetic, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite or manual massage is offered according to the client’s choice or the doctor’s recommendation. It’s a wonderful opportunity to spend together a day filled with the most pleasant procedures.
Five or seven sauna whisks are used during the procedure. This treatment has no analogs due to unique effects that oils and herbals have on warmed up body. Duration of the ritual: 1,5 or 2 hours.